The Sky Car expedition traveled across Africa supported by an 8 wheeled MAN truck with Tek Tanks diesel tanks in the rear container.
Tek Tanks supplied two large diesel fuel tanks for the 8 wheeled support truck driven by Ben Gott. The tanks were mounted in the rear of the vehicle and were used to re-fuel the other 4 x 4 support vehicles. The team kindly put a large vinyl Tek Tanks logo on the cab of the support truck which can be seen in the photo above.
These tanks replaced some aluminium tanks that had split after a previous expedition. On their return Ben showed us the truck after he literally “took off” and pointed out the broken leaf springs and bent steering arm. The tanks must have taken a pounding for that amount of damage to be done.
This support vehicle run by Ben Gott has also done quite a few Dakar rallies over the years and as a support truck for the Race 2 Recovery team running the Bowler Wildcat cars.
See more of the expedition below