You could say “Knock and listen” but it’s more sophisticated than that!
The sensor technology is built on a method of monitoring local, mechanical properties of a fluid tank. A Gobius sensor exerts force onto a tank wall and causes it to vibrate. An accelerometer is part of the sensor and it measures the vibrations caused by the force and transmits the signal to the sensor processor. The processor’s algorithm calculates a vibration value each time the sensor performs a measurement.
The Gobius Pro sensor is mounted on the outside of metal or plastic fluid tanks. No more mounting on the inside of the tank, no more drilling of holes. The sensor can work alone on a tank but also together with several Gobius Pro sensors. The sensor has built-in Bluetooth communication for Android and iOS phones. In addition, the sensor has two outputs for integration, for example, in Bus-systems, control relays, lights or buzzers. No Control Unit is required. Useful for all kinds of fluids, like fresh water, fuel, oil, grey/black water and waste water.
Bluetooth technology will send your tank levels directly to your phone, Ipad or laptop.
Technical Information:
App Name: Gobius (iOS and Android)
Language: English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish.
Communication: Bluetooth 4.2
2 Digital Outputs: On/Off signals
Supply Voltage: 12-24 V (Min 10 V and Max 28 V)
Supply Current: 100 mA (measuring) 10 Ma (Standby)
Sensor Size: Diameter 70mm, Height 25mm.
Colour: Blue body with Black cable
Tank materials and maximum wall thickness: 3mm Stainless and Mild Steel, 5mm Aluminium, 12mm Polyethylene (This will suit all Tek Tanks) and 8mm Glass Fibre.