It turned out to be a Russian troop carrier with a carbon fibre body imported from Kazakhstan. The owner wanted fresh water, waste and grey water tanks all to be mounted between the living accomodation and the chassis. Tek-Tanks supplied all the tanks from the standard Series A range. Custom built tanks are also popular with expedition customers as invariably the vehicles are “one off” projects and that is what we do best… offs!
For the Skycar Expedition in 2009 we supplied 2 large diesel tanks for the large 8 wheeled support truck driven by Ben Gott. These tanks replaced some aluminium tanks that had split after a previous expedition. On their return Ben showed us the truck after he literally “took off” and pointed out the broken leaf springs and bent steering arm. The tanks must have taken a pounding for that amount of damage to be done.
Please note: our fuel tanks are not suitable to supply the engines of vehicles in automotive applications for highway use.